I have heard it said that the Dark Horse pub in Camberwell, London, acquired it's name because it was once used as the meeting place of a strange and secret club know as The Brotherhood of the Horseman's Word. This society was led by a man who's true identity was never revealed even to those who were members of the group keeping his face covered on the occasions that they would meet.

The group would gather and share stories and secret knowledge, and teach the younger members of the club about their spoken charms. It was believed that these guarded words held magical powers just as the whispers of certain country horseman were once known to have the power to tame the wildest stallion when whispered in it's ear.

It is thought that the group came to call their leader by the title the Dark Horse because of his ability to give answers to questions concerning the future and to reveal untruths, just as Orobas, a spirit who appears in the form of a horse with the body of a man, is said to do.

Members could not choose to join but must hope that a fellow horseman may take a shine to them and invite them to meet with the Dark Horse.

Some believe that the club are still in existence.